Growth Groups
When you think about it, a close relationship with God and great friendships are easily the most important ingredients to a satisfying life. Jesus knew this. That's why so much of his teaching was devoted to helping us learn how to grow relationships that matter. So we try to give a lot of grace and commitment to each other. When we do, we find that Jesus' promise of an "abundant" kind of life is closer than we realized.
At POG, we try to facilitate growing friendships with a variety of groups. Some are focused on Bible study while others enjoy common interests. Click below to learn more about our current groups and how to get plugged into them.
Journey With Christ
Journey with Christ is one of our women's groups. We meet on the third Saturday of the month. We'd love to have you join us!
On Saturday, July 20, JWC will begin a new Bible study on the Book of Isaiah -- Feeling Secure in the Arms of God - by Warren Wiersbe. Cost of book: $9.00.
Please note that no childcare is provided.

Third Saturday of the month at 9:00-11:00 AM.
Church (Conference Room)
Women's Bible Study
This group is one of our two women’s Bible studies. We meet at the church on the first three Wednesdays of the month from 6:30pm-8:00pm. We catch up with each other, pray for one another, and we study a book of the Bible or a Christian book together. This is one the highlights of my (Diane’s) week. It is a beautiful time where we have seen God working in each of our lives! Please let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested in trying this group (call/text 608-576-3476).

The first three Wednesdays of the month, from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Men's Breakfast
We meet almost every Saturday at 8am for food, friendship, and Bible study. Currently, we’re studying “the Js” (James, Jude, 1-3 John). We carry on until about 9:45 AM. Our desire is to be brothers in Christ strengthening each other for His Kingdom and glory. For more information, please contact Scott at scottsall@att.net .

2nd, 3rd, & 4th Saturday of each month from 8:00-9:30 am.
Young Adults
We are excited to have you join the young adults small group as we delve into the transformative teachings of the book of James! Meeting every Sunday at various locations at 6pm, our group offers a nice blend of deep discussions, prayer, and fellowship. Join us as we strengthen our relationship with the Lord and cultivate meaningful connections with one another! Dinner is provided. We are excited to see you there!

Single's Group
Singles: We plan to meet after church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. This is a group for singles to connect with each other and build each other up with God-honoring friendship. We’ll start out studying the book of John. Lunch will be provided for the first couple of meetings as we figure out longer term plans together. Please call or text Tess (608) 445-2118 or Ross (608) 712-8975.

2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, after church (~12:00 PM)
608-712-8975 (Ross)
Couple's Group
This group is geared to strengthen and encourages marriages. Topics of discussion vary, but are related to the group's focus. We also typically share a meal.

1st Thursday of the month from 6:00-8:00 pm